On November 2, 2018, the European ECO Forum organised a conference for non-governmental organisations from 11 countries of the EECCA region. The conference was held in Lviv (Ukraine) with the support of the German Environment Agency (UBA) and was part of our Espoo Convention project. You will find conference materials here:
1. Agenda
2. Espoo Convention and its Protocol - presentation by Andriy Andrusevych, Society & Environment
3. Relevant Regional Developments - presentation by Elena Laevskaya, Ecopravo
4. Relevant Regional Developments - presentation by Oleg Pecheniuk, Ecological Expertiza
5. European ECO Forum and other NGOs in the process - presentation by Mara Silina, European ECO Forum
6. NGO practical Experiences:
- Ilya Trombitsky, Eco-Tiras
- Siarhei Mahonau, Ecohome
- Oleg Pecheniuk, Ecological Expertiza
- Priska Lueger, Oekobuero
Yes, I agree and I hope we…
Yes, I agree and I hope we will keep in touch with most of them, if not all, in the future.
It was great to see so many old and new friends!