Issue group on Environmental Action Programme for CEE (EAP) was established in September 2000 along with our other issue groups. Its main focus was to follow and provide input for the implementation of the EAP in countries of former Soviet bloc (now called EECCA = Eastern Europe, Caucasus, Central Asia). The issue group is coordinated by Olga Ponizova from Eco Accord in Russia who is also a co-chair of the European ECO Forum.
This issue group was actively involved in the work of the Task Force for the Implementation of the Environmental Action Programme (the EAP Task Force) based in the OECD. The 8th “Environment for Europe” Ministerial Conference (2016) decided to change its name to the GREEN Action Programme and invited the OECD to continue to facilitate policy reforms in the EECCA region.
Environmental Action Programme for CEE (EAP) adopted in Lucerne (Switzerland), April 1993.
Ministerial Declaration adopted at the Second "Environment for Europe" Ministerial Conference in Lucerne (Switzerland) on April 30, 1993.